The formalities connected with funeral and cremation, funeral and burial arrangements.
Our company will help you to organize a funeral ceremony combined with cremation according to your wishes, beliefs and preferences. The basic information we need from you for booking of a ceremony are:
- Full name and surname of the deceased
- Date of death
- Approximate weight
The first step in the organization of the ceremony is to obtain necessary documents (if you have questions, please call).
- Statement of Death – it is a basic document without which proceeding cannot be initiated. Preparation of such statement is free of charge.
- Certificate of Death – (an abridged copy of the Certificate and its certified photocopy) – document issued by the Registry Office. The Certificate is required to obtain Funeral Allowance, settling matters of succession, and life insurance payments. On your request, our company may undertake to obtain such a document.
- Personal ID of the deceased,
- Permission to perform cremation signed by a near relative or authorized person.